
Diameter: 142984 Km

Length of a Day: 9.8 Hours

Length of Year: 11.8 Earth years                                                 

Average Temperature: -107o C(Approximate)

Number of moons: 79 Known moons

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun. It is the largest planet in the Solar System. It is so large that 1300 Earths can fit inside Jupiter. It was named after Jupiter - the supreme Roman God but is a mere coincidence that the largest planet of the Solar System was named so. The early Romans didn't know how big Jupiter was but named it so just because it shined so brightly in the sky.

Jupiter has a comparatively small rocky core surrounded by a liquid metal layer which smoothly turns into a liquid hydrogen layer as height increases. This liquid then turns into an atmosphere of hydrogen gas that surrounds the planet. The Great Red Spot on its surface is a giant hurricane type storm that has lasted for more than three centuries (first being observed in 1666). The Great Red Spot is twice the size of Earth and the winds there often reach 1000 km/h.

Usually we have heard of the phrase: Biggest is the best. But this phrase completely goes wrong in the case of living on Jupiter. First, Jupiter doesn't even have a surface to live on. There is an extremely small core deep inside Jupiter but it is completely surrounded by hydrogen. Second, even if you find a surface, the temperatures waiting for you there would not be that cosy. The temperatures there would average -100o C. Talk about freezing in the summers at home.

Sky gazing time!!! Jupiter is not very difficult to observe in the night sky. It can usually be seen year round but is seen best when it is closest to the Earth. In 2022 it was in late September and next year it will be in late October. 

Hope this article on Jupiter lived up to your hopes. Please comment your opinions below!

Thank You!!

- By Aarav Iyer

Reference: Unlocking the Universe - Stephen and Lucy Hawking, Introduction to the Night Sky - Michael Driscoll

Source (image): Wikipedia

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